יום רביעי, 4 בנובמבר 2009

Part 1

Talking to the ducks..

Street girl.. always barefoot.

Go go go Ronita.. you too slow.

Mother/Daughter goodbye before the flight back to Italy.

Dear Myrna.

Since I broke my last digital camera, and can't live without one even for 2 weeks. I used my old camera, that I think it's the first digital camera ever invented.. the pictures shows that. and.... I've had another wonderful trip to the north.. so I had to take something! (that's the right term for it) so... these are my adventures from seeing Yael visiting from Italy, morning walk with Ronita with our funny hates, and sweet Myrna, a visitor from France whom I met on the bus on the way to Rosh Pina. Hey Myrna- say hello if you are visiting my blog. So this is part one... to be continue..

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